Take a TEFL/TESOL Course in the USA
Our combined TEFL/TESOL course is located in Boston
The city of Boston is one of the country’s oldest with a history that stretches back nearly four hundred years. Choose Boston for your combined course training and you can enjoy everything that this great city has to offer. More info

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Make a deposit payment to secure your place on a course before the end of the month and qualify for a free advanced level online course. You can choose from the 50-hour young learners (CTEYL) or business English (CTBE) certificate courses or the 250-hour online diploma course.

TEFL Course in Boston Massachusetts | TEFL USA

TEFL School Boston Massachusetts

Each year, numerous tourists from around the world visit Boston because of the city’s interesting sites and attractions. Not only does Boston feature an astonishing selection of historic landmarks, but the city is also an important port and commercial center in the New England region. Boston’s offer in higher education is also a reason why many millions of people come to the city every year. Students from across the globe want to enroll in one of the prestigious programs at Boston’s Ivy League schools of Harvard or MIT. Therefore, taking our TEFL/TESOL certification program in Boston will give you countless exciting opportunities to live and work abroad in the field of English education.

All our courses are led by professional trainers with years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language. The teacher trainers will assist you along the way and provide helpful feedback to each individual trainee. Our small classes will make it easy for you to achieve your goal of becoming a qualified English teacher while the trainers can focus on each trainee’s individual needs. Located in the center of Boston, our training center is close to attractions, restaurants and entertainment and shopping facilities. Our classrooms are spacious and well equipped with all the tools you will need to succeed during your training, such as printers, computers, Internet access and photocopiers. Our training center also features a large library that you can use for your research during your training. Before graduating, you will have the opportunity to hold your own independent English lessons teaching real students of the English language at our training center. This practical teaching experience element of the course will give you a head start in your new career of teaching English abroad.

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