Teach English in BaitAo Jiedao - Chongqing

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in BaitAo Jiedao? Are you interested in teaching English in Chongqing? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The difference between teaching one to one and groups The most obvious difference between Teaching TEFL one to one and groups is that one to one teaching only involves two people (the teacher and student) whereas teaching in groups involves more than two people (the teacher and two or more students). Other than that, there are many more differences of which generate both advantages and disadvantages of each mode of teaching, one or the other of which may be suitable for different people depending on their language learning tendencies and personality and language objectives. One to one teaching allows a closer relationship between the teacher and student. There is obviously more or maximum teacher - student time so the teacher is able to tailor the course material and style of teaching to the needs of the individual student. More time can be focused on any exiting particular language or learning problems and there is a greater probability that any additional problems can be identified by the teacher. Classes are able to be more flexible in terms of speed and content depending on the individual student's progress. Course material can be focused on the topics of interest specific to the student, for example, particular hobbies or particular situations like travel that the student would like to use their newly acquired language skills. In this way, progress by the student has the potential to improve faster than in an individual class. However, depending on the personalities of the teacher and student, individual classes tend to be less energetic and fun and more focused on the "serious" business of language learning. It is also very tiring for both the teacher and student as they both have to be continually 'on alert' with no 'down-time'. Further, for one to one teachers there are less teaching resources available so there is more onus on the teacher to be able to come up with teaching techniques and materials. Teaching TEFL to groups, however, often means that more activities can be carried out in the class (because they require more people). students are able to hear the opinions and different ways of expressing things by other students. Further, students have the opportunity to learn from other students in addition to the teacher - other students might have valid questions that are also applicable to the student, other students who are from a similar situation as the student may be able to answer a question that the teacher is unable to because only someone from a TEFL background might be able to understand or likewise someone from a similar cultural background. The atmosphere in a class setting may be more relaxed and fun and the student may draw motivation from other students in the class. Furthermore, there seems to be more course materials and teaching techniques catered to teaching to groups.