Capital city
New Sol
Typical TEFL teacher salary US$5 per hour
Major TEFL locations
The Country
Peru has a great demand for native speaking English teachers. Unfortunately salaries are small and difficulties with working papers and concerns over safety often mean English teachers overlook Peru as an option. Despite this, there are a vast number of opportunities in Lima for teachers who want to teach English there.
English teaching vacancies in Peru are usually found on the main EFL job websites. You can also search online for language schools in the area you wish to teach. Teaching conditions are fairly good in Peru with a regular teaching timetable running from Monday to Friday. Teaching timetables are normally separated into mornings and early evenings giving you a large part of your day free. Classes you can expect to teach cater for young learners and adults, the main group being the adult classes. By working a Saturday when asked you can also gain an extra day off during the week.
TEFL Courses in Cusco
Sample Job offer for Teaching English in Peru
"We are seeking an experienced, energetic and flexible native English teacher for a full time position. The successful applicant should arrive at least a week before starting the position to settle in. We offer a minimum contract of four months with excellent benefits and compensation. Salary is $3.50 (net) per hour, we also fund your round trip airfare and offer a free studio apartment located in Miraflores, one of the best areas in Lima. The successful applicant will also have a 3 or 4 day travel opportunity at the end of each month due to the break between classes."