Teach English in East Sussex - TESOL Courses

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In this unit, I learned about different types of materials a teacher can use in class. First, I learned about the advantages and disadvantages of using authentic materials. I then learned about and sa
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Bexhill on Sea
This unit was extremely helpful as I see it will take time to master through teaching classes and studying more material on the subject. I never deleved into the phonemic alphabet in this manner and q
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Finally, real places to retrieve useful classroom material. I'll definitely be on those websites. The samples of created material in the book are great, too. Defining the difference between created
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Coursebooks are friend to some teachers, foe to others, and to still others, they are just one of the materials, not the be all and end all of the course materials. Coursebooks can provide a teacher w
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Placing students in the correct level is obviously important, so that they stay motivated without feeling like the class is too advanced or too simple. People go to language school to learn more engli
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This lesson discussed various tests that should be conducted by teachers throughout the school year/semester. First, a placement test, which is useful for determining in which class a student belongs.
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Through this lesson it is evident that many factors contribute to the selection of the most appropriate supplements for class use. Course materials really give the teacher an opportunity to be creativ
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During this unit I've learned that course books are not the only useful materials to use during an english lesson. By using other materials the lesson can become more interesting to the students. You
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Books and materials are very much subject to the needs of the students but also to the goals and teaching style of the teacher. Books and materials, whether authentic or created materials, can support
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In this section, I learned about the different tests that are given within an EFL course. I learned that Before taking the course, students take a placement or diagnostic test in order for the teacher
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During this unit, I learned the importance of teaching phonology to our students through the use of varied technqiues that will result appropriate to them, in order for them to develop proper communic
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Ore Valley
While teaching I’ve seen a lot of course ware books being published in different countries and for different auditoriums. And the only one thing I understood – one should be careful about usin
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Unit 15 focuses on evaluation and testing.As a teacher, I know the value and importance of assessing and evaluating students.assessment provides feedback to students about their progress,and their str
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This unit provided an overview of spoken word elements of the english language. These elements include those for pronunciation, stress, intonation, natural speaking flow, and the teaching of all the a
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I have to give different types of tests to see where my students are currently at with the information provided. With teaching speech, that is sometimes difficult because some of the information is j
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This lesson was another lesson that I felt took a little more time to pick up. teaching pronunciation and phonology could take more time with the students. I feel that the lesson did a great job expla
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This particular unit discussed the different types of tests and qualifications associated with english as a second language. Again, these are pretty obvious, as far as their use and purpose. In all ho
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This unit covered the different methods of evaluating students' abilities. The diagnostic test gauges their ability at the beginning of the course, whereas the placement test uses the same kind of inf
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"Whereas phonetics is the study of all possible speech sounds common (and why) and which are rare (and also why). It turns out that there are prototype-based explanations for why the phoneme system o
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This is about course materials. The authentic materials we might use are everywhere, from menus to songs we hear to cereal boxes to magazine articles. I am constantly finding essay in the New York Tim
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